Wednesday, June 30, 2010

survey survey

Oh memang. malam ni sangat boring. aku pun buat la survey ni kan. so, enjoy! :D

1. What color is your underwear right now?
right now? colourless! HAHA

2. What are you listening to right now?
when i look at you - miley cyrus :)

3. what are the last 2 digits in your phone number?
92 yawww :D

4. What was the last thing you ate?
satay! tapi tak habis pun.

5. If you were a crayon what color would you be?
light blue please? :)

6. How is the weather right now?
salji turun dengan lebat ni. HAHHA

7. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
mr. roberto. :)

8. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
their attitudes?

9. Favorite type of Food?
i don't care. asalkan FOOD.

10. Do you drink?
yeah, skyjuice please? :D

11. Do you smoke?

12. Ever get so drunk you dont remember?
nope nope.

13.What color are your eyes?
green. boley?

15. Do you wear contacts?
oh no. i wear glasses. tapi jarang la.

16. Single?
oh yes :D

17. Favorite Month?
january ;)

18. Ever cried for no reason?
hell yeah,always.

19. Last Movie you watched?
The A Team with my wifey, nad, adek and abang. :)

20. Favorite day of the week?
friday maybe? sebab boley balik umah! heee

21. Are you too shy to ask someone out?
haha nope! i'm shyless :D

22. Hugs or Kisses?
both! :-*

23. Chocolate or Vanilla?
choc please :)

24. Do you want your friends to respond?
ikot suke dorang la.

25. Who is most likely to respond?
ikot pandai lah.

26. Who is least likely to respond?

adei. ikot suke la.

27. What books are you reading?
bace blog-blog je kot.

28. Piercings?
ears only :D

29. Fav. Movie?
the nightmare before christmas? hiks.

30. Fav. baseball team?
xtauuu :D

31. Any pets?

32. AIM?
Anugerah Industri Muzik? HAHA

33. Butter, Plain or salted popcorn?
salted popcorn.

34. Dogs or cats?
piggy boley?

35. Fav. flower?
i don't like flowers, thanks.

36. Have you ever fired a gun?
yeahh of course, mase time join navy kat skolah dulu. M16 gitieeww HAHA

37. Do you like to travel by plane as opposed to car?
no nope.

38. Right handed or left handed?
right right babyyy

39. How many pillows do you sleep with?
satu pon boleyy

40. Are you missing someone?
yeap! :(

tag 5 people :

-Mary J Houston
-Erin Roslan
-Ariy Armani
-Nini Danial
-Fara Kamaruddin


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

warning warning II

Okey tak sempat nak cerita,kelmarin aku lepak makan kat luar. kebetulan masa tu ade match bola england VS germany kalau tak silap lah.

memang penuh sesak la dengan makhluk-makhluk gila bola. semangat ni siap pakai jersey lagi. ape? tak perlu la tanye aku pakai jersey ape sebab memang tak layan pun.

ada tu siap bawak horn lagi. sudaaaahh. kau salah tempat la brader. ni bukan stadium. frust tak dapat pergi africa tu jangan la nak lepaskan kat sini pulak. sangat sakit mata dan telinga okey?

habis je makan teros aku blah. T_T

Monday, June 28, 2010

kebengangan seketika

Ye tepat sekali! hari ni sangat bengang dengan bas kat atas ni. masa dalam tiket dah lama lepas, tapi bas tak sampai jugak.

ke hulu ke hilir jugak la aku risau kot kot tertinggal bas. tapi memang hampeh bas tu yang tak datang lagi. konon on time sangat. NON ADOO!

hell yeah

oh, weekend yang sangat superb. yeap, aku sangat happy.
don't worry. :)

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Tengah boring dan tengah serabut. jom maen pool?

Friday, June 25, 2010

cara terbaik

Sangat serabut. jadi ape cara terbaik? overnight sampai mampos. HAHA

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Quote of the day #6

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength,
while loving someone deeply gives you courage.
- Lao Tzu

hati tersenyum

hell yeah. hati aku tersenyum. agak bodoh tapi tak mengapalah. :)

p/s : terubat sikit rindu.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


boleh tak aku nak semula sesuatu yang sepatutnya jadi hak aku sekarang??

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Vanilla twilight

The stars lean down to kiss you
And I lie awake and miss you
Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere

'Cause I'll doze off safe and soundly
But I'll miss your arms around me
I'd send a postcard to you, dear
'Cause I wish you were here

I'll watch the night turn light-blue
But it's not the same without you
Because it takes two to whisper quietly

The silence isn't so bad
'Til I look at my hands and feel sad
'Cause the spaces between my fingers
Are right where yours fit perfectly

I'll find repose in new ways
Though I haven't slept in two days
'Cause cold nostalgia
Chills me to the bone

But drenched in vanilla twilight
I'll sit on the front porch all night
Waist-deep in thought because
When I think of you I don't feel so alone

I don't feel so alone, I don't feel so alone

As many times as I blink
I'll think of you tonight
I'll think of you tonight

When violet eyes get brighter
And heavy wings grow lighter
I'll taste the sky and feel alive again

And I'll forget the world that I knew
But I swear I won't forget you
Oh, if my voice could reach
Back through the past
I'd whisper in your ear
Oh darling, I wish you were here

p/s : yeah i miss u.

bulat bulat

Mengantuk dah ni tapi tak boleh nak tidur jugak. daripada buang masa golek2 atas katil, baik la online sekejap kan.

bulat bulatkan mata. kecik kecik kan mata. garu garu hidung.

Haa tak boleh tidur lagi. T_T

Friday, June 18, 2010

warning warning

Sure la sekarang semua sibuk dengan bola semua tu la kan. okey, rasanya perlu lagi la aku ingatkan tak payah buang masa la tanya pasal ni.

aku minat team mane?sebab aku tak minat team mane2 pun.

tengok ke tak match semalam? aku tengok tv pun setakat nak tengok movie je.

sape yang aku rase boleh menang? ni lagilah tak tau nak predict sebab dah tak tengok kan.

ape lagi soalan berkenaan hidup mati mampos bola semua la aku tak peduliK.


p/s : tapi aku sedikit terkesah la kalau pemain nyer macam pic atas sekali ni. :D

kembali semula!

Well, sekarang dah balik semula kat rumah terchenta! bila dah balik rumah, confirm tak ade kerja lain dah nak dibuat melainkan online, online onlineeeeeee!

Hambek kau jari sebesar alam ni! HAHA

Pic holiday malas nak upload. tengoklah kalau rajin okey? :D

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


tadi rasa macam banyak je yang nak taip.

tapi dah hilang semua mood.

cuma sebab ternampak status someone kat facebook.

gila emo aku malam ni. T_T

Quote of the day #5

It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Dah agak!

Aku dah agak dah. masuk je musim bola macam ni semua dah tak layan aku. sadisnya T_T

Jangan tanya aku pape pasal bola. aku tak tau. tak nak ambil tau. tak nak peduli pun.

Quote of the day #4

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
-Thomas Carlyle

Nak otak pc boleh?

Boleh nak berjiwang sekejap tak? boleh la boleh la. :) tak bagi pun nak jiwang sekejap okay?

Masa gelap dah pun pergi menjauh, berlari dan berterbangan entah kemana. baguslah, aku pun dah tak tak memerlukan kegelapan tu lagi. cuma kadang2 aku di bayangi semula. teruklah macam ni.

Memang tak boleh lupa dan tak boleh buang semua. tu aku pasti. jadi otak macam otak komputer kan bagus? boleh save, bila dah tak nak dengan senang nak mampos nya boleh delete balik.

Kadang2 benda yang lama memang tak boleh di ganti dengan yang baru kan? mungkin memang tak sepatutnya di ganti? tak pun masih perlukan masa untuk di ganti.

Ikut saje lah ape yang nak jadi lepas ni. dah macam drama bersiri. memang betul la kan, kita memang puppet yang berlakon dalam pentas dunia. cuma sedar tak sedar je kan.

Tak tau kenapa dua, tiga hari ni ada perasaan macam ni. sumpah serabut. boleh tolong?


Saturday, June 12, 2010

You're my everything.

You're my everything
The sun that shines above you
Makes a blue bird sing
The stars that twinkle way up in the sky
Tell me I'm in love

When I kiss your lips
I feel the rolling thunder
Through my fingertips
And all the while my head is in a spin
Deep within I'm in love
You're my everything

And nothing really matters but the love you bring
You're my everything
To see you in the morning with those big brown eyes
You're my everything
Forever and a day I need you close to me
You're my everything
You'll never have to worry have no fear for I am here

For my everything
I'll live upon the land
And see the sky above
And swim within the ocean sweet and warm
There's no storm my love

When I hold you tight
There's nothing that can harm you
In the long night
I come to you and kiss you very warm
Oh you're so stong my love

p/s : kenapa masih rindu orang yang tak sepatutnya aku rindu? hmm :(

Friday, June 11, 2010

My lesbos

Mula2 plan sangat susah. habis semua tak dapat nak datang termasuklah aku. yang kali ni, walaupun tak semua cukup tapi sangat best jugak.

so inilah hasilnya. ape apepun yang jadi, sumpah aku sayang korang sangat2. special thanks to ERIN ROSLAN, ARIY ARMANI, NINI DANIAL, IZA SYAQILA, FARA KAMARUDDIN, and AISYAH NORHADI. mmuakkxxx! :)

p/s : tapi ada sesuatu yang mengganggu mood hari tu. T_T

Layankan sajaa

Dah tak tau sangat nak buat apa malam ni. meneman mama tengok tv saje. tapi malam ni agak lain sikit la. mama bukak channel ZEE! and of course la ZEE tu cerita hindustan! cerita dah agak lama pulak tu. HAHA

Dah lama sangat tak melayan cerita macam ni. memang boring gila kejap menyanyi kejap menari kejap berangan. tapi cerita ni banyak moral value. bukan sekadar cinta2 bodoh. nak tau cerita dia macam mana? tengok la sendiri,tapi yang pasti ending dia sangat sedih. T_T

p/s : Baazigar ooohhhh baazigarrr.. :p

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


oke reunion mood! can't wait babyyy ♥

Monday, June 7, 2010

makhluk tingkap!

Okay, insomnia aku makin teruk sekarang. sangat susah nak tido selagi belum subuh. i just can't sleep. so gune time ni online aje la kan. lagipun aman sikit tengah2 pagi camni.

Tengah best2 online sorang2 ni tiba2 je tingkap bilik aku bunyi2. aaaa sudah. rasa macam malas nak pegi tengok. buat tak tau sudah kan.

Dengar lagu, layan blog besties, facebooking, layan formspring.

Tiba2 bunyi lagi. tapi kali ni dah nampak apekah makhluk yang berselindung di sebalik langsir. nampaknye malu2 kuceng. yer memang KUCING pun!

my sweety cantek! mengiau nak masuk bilik tido dengan aku. sekarang tengah tido kat kaki ni. sangat mengada oke. buat saspens je td tau. hiks. ni bukan pic cantek tau. nanti je lah letak pic cantek oke. dia sangat low profile. eheks. :D

Sunday, June 6, 2010

tukar nak?

Bersin yang sangat menyesakkan. sumpah sakit hidung ni. boleh tukar hidung dengan saye tak? boleh laaa :D

quote of the day #3

A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
-Albert Einstein

another birthdays

Yeah post ni special untuk my dearest bro najmi and kak ngah. Sorry sangat lambat buat post ni. patutnya 1 and 4 Jun tapi takpe lah kan buat sekali je.


Take a very good care of yourself okay siblings. Me love you! :)

Saturday, June 5, 2010


I just love the way you smiles.
I just love the way you giggles.
I just love the way you hug me.
I just love the way you kiss me.

I just love you my little angel

Friday, June 4, 2010

Tagged By Erin Roslan :)

Wah, memang tak pernah kena tag lagi seumur hidup. kena tag pic kat FB pernah la. HAHA thanks my dear :)

okay,let's start!

Anda rasa anda hot?
Bak kata akem, hot ni ahli neraka. HAHA saya coooll :p

Bila kali terakhir anda makan pizza?
Maybe last week? dengan wanita mengandung :)

saje letak pic pizza bagi meleleh air liur sikit :p

Lgu terakhir yg sy dgr?
21st century breakdown.. yeah i like that song.

Ape yg anda wat slaen menyelesaikn tag ni?
YM with my baby wani, cabut kulit kat bibir. *kulit kering sebab dah lama xciom orang. HAHA kan khai? meh comolot :p

Slaen nme sndri, anda dipnggil nme ap?
anna *paling ramai/ anne *member uitm panggil/ kunang or ne *siblings/ honey *all my lesbos :)

tag ag 8 org.

Mary J Houston
Nini Danial
Zee Heartless
Shrrsha Affan

sumpah taktau nak tag sape lagi. heee